Restaurant Marketing Blog

Helping Your Restaurant Thrive in Today’s Market

Fear Of The Unknown For Restaurants

Every day when I look at the news, all I see is how the COVID -19 virus is having a second wave. State governments are reacting, consumers are worried and it may appear that a lockdown is looming. For myself, our state travel restrictions have cancelled our family Thanksgiving gathering. I’m sure this is happening […]

Restaurant Owners – What Is Your Why

This has been a truly challenging year for restaurant owners. Aside from the normal challenges of running a business, you have had to deal with COVID 19 and everything that comes with. Depending on what state you live in, your government has made the stress even greater with restrictions on running your business. The challenges […]

Restaurant’s 50% Solutions

September 1st is fast approaching, and the COVID-19 crisis is not letting up. Many states are reporting increased cases and travel restrictions are in 30 states. Some states, like Pennsylvania, have reduced seating capacity in restaurants to 25%. With all this happening, it makes me wonder, what will restaurants do in the fall? Think about […]

Customer Expectations for Your Restaurant

What Do Your Customers Want? Over the next 45 days, most of the states will have started their reopen plans. It will be an interesting time frame to see what works and what does not. One thing we know is true, the consumer is in control of what happens, but the restaurants will set the […]

Rethink Your Restaurant Business Plan

What will it take for your restaurant to succeed after the COVID-19 shutdowns? For those of you who were able to hang in there, you are tired. The daily struggles and stress to keep your business going has taken its toll on you and your team. When the doors open, the stress will still be […]

The Restaurant Comeback – A Year from Today

Close your eyes and imagine. What will your restaurant world look like a year from today? You made it through COVID -19 and through the summer. Each day was a new challenge, but the fall and holiday season came upon us. The new normal had sunk in and changed your world. The first quarter, always difficult […]

The Restaurant Comeback – The New Normal

Another week of shutdown has our country evolving. Things have definitely changed for better or worse. The promise of an economic stimulus and hopeful medical strategies brings out the optimist in many. For others the sky has fallen. Things will get better and restaurants will come back. Will it be the same? Probably not. The […]

The Restaurant Comeback

We are fighters! We are dreamers! Everyday has always been a challenge. That is what we love about our chosen path in the restaurant industry. We face a bigger challenge and our actions now set the tone for how we come out of the current crisis.  Many restaurants have been very proactive despite the COVID-19 […]

Restaurants Got Kicked In the Butt

As restaurant professionals, we are addicted to our business. We are also very anxious during these current times. Our business is our life and we are threatened. What should we do now? I’m sure most of you have consulted with advisers, watched videos, listened to podcasts or read the many Facebook posts on what you […]

Restaurant Leadership in 2020 – Do You Have What It Takes

The new year has begun and for many restaurants it is a time to take stock for 2020. What is the outlook for your business and for your life? We all know that running a restaurant takes everything you have, so planning for the year ahead is critical. Free Strategy Call – Developing Your Restaurant Potential […]

Building Your Restaurant Customers For 2020

Yes 2020! The holiday season for 2019 is upon us now and it enables you to set your restaurant marketing plans for 2020 in motion. Action now will help build your business for next year. Free Digital Strategy Assessment and Restaurant Reputation Report In the restaurant world it all starts with great food and service. […]

Marketing Your Restaurant Menu In A Digital World

The latest restaurant industry trends point to an industry in turmoil. Sales are down and customer traffic is off. There are some segments of the business that are growing, but often at a cost. With all of this as a backdrop, what is your plan to come out on top by the end of the year? […]

Hitting Your Restaurant Potential

Are you satisfied with your restaurant performance? Are you hitting the potential you know is in your business? When I meet with restaurants, I often ask those questions along with, “Where do you want to be a year from now”? Each of you know your restaurant can do better. You know it deep down inside. Do you […]

Does Social Media Marketing Work For Restaurants?

Let’s face it, Facebook is by far the largest social media network out there. Most of us have used it to keep up with friends and family or even community events. For restaurants, Facebook is an opportunity to build your own community of friends and followers.   Get Your Restaurant Marketing eBook Lately, many restaurants have […]

March Madness For Restaurant Marketing

It’s that time of year again. One the largest sporting events that will span several weeks. From Mid-March into early April many restaurant customers will be captivated by college basketball. It’s become one of the most talked about events in the country. College basketball NCAA March Madness! Free Restaurant Marketing Planning Guide So, what does […]