How can a Loyalty Program help your restaurant?

Statistics say that over 50% of diners participate in a least one loyalty program? Is your restaurant playing in the game?

Restaurant marketing is evolving very fast with the aid of technology gains. Yet some restaurants are still using old fashioned punch cards for their customers. While punch cards can achieve some of the same end goals, they do not give you access to the wealth of information to help you market to these customers.

Let’s look at the benefits of a loyalty program. Statistics show that consumers enrolled in a loyalty program bring the following results for a restaurant.

  1.  Increase customer visit frequency.
  2. Spend more. In many cases, check averages are 25% higher or more than non-loyalty club marketing
  3. 82% of loyalty program members referred at least one person to their program.
  4. 60% of consumers will patronize a restaurant if it has a viable community involvement program.

These four elements are the “Holy Grail” for restaurants. Get more customers coming in the door, have them spend more and come back more often.

To make the programs even more effective, many loyalty programs come built in with a marketing suite that includes, email marketing, social media integration, community involvement program and a text message program to help communicate with your customers. These tools help to build continual communication to increase the effectiveness of your program.

Obviously the question of expense enters into the decision making process. In most cases the return on investment is significant. We utilize a formula with our client which in one case shows an additional $135,000 in annual revenue based on a loyalty program cost of $2,500. We work with our clients to show them this analysis up front based on their actual numbers.

If you would like to learn more about how a loyalty program can help your business, please contact us for Free Analysis or download our whitepaper .

With over 30 years of experience in the food industry, CORE Restaurant Marketing’s mission is helping restaurants improve their revenues. To learn more about how CORE Restaurant Marketing can bring value to the restaurant industry, download the Free White Paper “Key Drivers to Restaurant Profitability”. We can also be reached at 1-888-890-9492 x 101.

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