CORE Online Education

Refine Your Operations Through Effective & Efficient Management

Access Your Free Hospitality Management Intro Course

CORE Restaurant Management Training Program

Access Your Free Hospitality Management Intro Course

CORE Restaurant Management Training allows all levels of restaurant staff—from owners to management to wait staff and hosts/hostesses—access to education modules that will help them produce exceptional profits. Learning modules include:

  • Restaurant Leadership
    Restaurant owners will define potential and set goals for success in this module.
  • Manager Training
    Front of house staff receive training and learn about selecting and retaining employees, holding productive meetings and more.
  • Hospitality Management
    This module offers critical training for hosts/hostesses, wait staff, bussers and bar staff, and determines key performance indicators for these employees.
  • Restaurant Operations Management
    In this module, owners and managers can dive deep into effectively managing business operations, including labor and food costs.
  • Marketing Plan Development
    A guide to developing monthly and annual plans, this module covers important information for creating a marketing budget, defining target customers and various types of marketing strategies.
  • Local Store Marketing
    Community based marketing – birthday clubs, targeted social media, cause-related marketing and more – is covered in this learning module.

For more information, email or call 1-888-890-9492 x 1.