As we continue into the holiday season, this year will be different for your restaurant. First, holiday gatherings will be few and far between which will impact catering. Second, traffic will be limited due to restrictions established by local governments regarding where your customers can go. The flow of new customers into your restaurant will be lower as COVID-19 continues to change the way we live and work. Where will you find the necessary sales to get through yet another month? Look to your loyal customers.
Loyal Customers are Key
Most restaurants will need to turn to their loyal customers during these hard times. These are the customers who have been to your restaurant many times over the past year. They are the ones who have carried your business through the pandemic by purchasing takeout when they would normally sit inside. They are your bread and butter.
Have you marketed to your existing customers to help you through this year? Studies have shown that a five percent increase in customer loyalty can have as much as a one hundred percent increase in annual profits. If you have been doing the right marketing activities during the course of the year, you have the tools to tap into this profit source. However, many restaurants have not tapped into these proven solutions to help them through this year.
The Tools You Need
Reaching out to loyal customers should be part of your normal marketing strategy. Building a customer database is one of the building blocks for restaurant marketing. However, most restaurant owners have not done a good job at this over the past year. The struggles of day-to-day operations and stress related to the pandemic have caused many operators to stop marketing. On the other hand, restaurant owners who have stepped up their marketing this past year utilizing integrated marketing strategies have done well. Have you?
For help on building a customer database, check out our eBook. The eBook reviews multiple tools to help with integrated marketing. CORE can help you enact these strategies and more to build the groundwork for a successful 2021.
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